Tap into Friday’s Venus Energy
Written by Jamie Epstein
it’s friday, may 31, & moon is moving from aquarius into pisces midday while being supported & transported by the starspace called purvabhadra. pisces represents the final frontier of moon’s journey around the zodiac. the last quarter of this journey started in sagittarius, whose inspiration to manifest we carried into capricorn, applying it to our personal life goals. once we checked that off (at least started making headway), we were ready to expand our efforts outward into the world, ponder, in aquarius, how we could make a positive impact on our global existence. we still get another half-day for that intention before we expand our horizons even more, let go of the material realms & our material aims & merge into the ocean of our cosmic existence.
“be a nothing & then all is attained. die & you become a god. disappear & you become the whole. here the drop disappears, & there the ocean comes into existence.”—osho
purvabhadra brings a lightning strike, or an, um, enlightening strike, of “aha!”—a lightbulb moment, a glimpse ultimately into the true nature of reality, of our true nature. the caveat: we have to be ready, we have to have been doing our homework, doing the prep. as ashtanga teacher richard freeman has said, “the process of yoga is really working, when, all of a sudden”—like a flash of lightning! like a lightbulb going on!—”one starts to see infinity.” not everyone is a yogi, but everyone practices something. writers, for example, practice sitting at their desk every day. what do you practice & what “aha!” might arrive from your efforts? are you ready for it?
oh, wow, it’s still the eighth lunar day (tithi), the eighth phase of the waning moon, for most of the day. more time to harmonize darkness & light, which may mean shifting our perception, accepting rather than resisting the forces of chaos, b/c we know by now that resistance just gives more energy to the thing we’re resisting, right?
friday is infused with the energy of venus, which is how we experience life on earth. venus wants love & harmony, sociality & pleasure of all kinds. venus is, however, in a bit of a planetary pickle right now, may make us underappreciate or feel underappreciated by our people. let’s not do that, b/c friday is, after all, vedic date night!
& that’s your daily bliss! which is a sort of lunar weather report. may it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.