Zoom Out for a Fresh Perspective

Zoom Out for a Fresh Perspective


Written by Jamie Epstein

It’s Wednesday, October 9, & Moon is in Sagittarius, in the starspace or Nakshatra called Mula. After the emotional turmoil of Scorpio, we start feeling hopeful & optimistic in Sagittarius, b/c Sagittarius vibrates with the frequency of the big picture view of our life, lets us zoom out. Ya know how people look like ants when you’re, say, looking down from the 200th-floor roof deck of a skyscraper? Same-same with Sag: we see the events & people, thoughts & feelings as a multitude of tininess; the distance gives us, well, distance, loosens our attachment to any one element, & lets us see how each piece has created the mosaic of our life, contributed to the uniqueness of who we are.

Mula means “root” & is ruled by Niritti. A fierce goddess if ever there was one (& there are many, but she takes the fierceness cake), she is ruthless & takes no prisoners when it comes to getting into the weeds of our negative tendencies, limiting beliefs & general mental or physical clutter & yanking whatever doesn’t serve us, whatever is consuming all the nutrients & stifling the growth of our best selves, out by the roots. How can you tap into your inner Niritti today to do some life weeding?

It’s the seventh lunar day (tithi), the seventh phase of the waxing moon, which gives us steadiness of mind & courage to do our duty, fulfill our dharma & which, if we get off-track, just might create situations to remind us to remain humble as we do so.

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury, who gathers info in order to form opinions, & who is a free speech (i.e., information-sharing) absolutist. It is also what our democracy is based on, but which some very prominent people (happy to name names if you want!) think actually threatens it, or, rather, threatens their ability to hold power, b/c, omg, what if people actually had contrary thoughts, challenged the narrative?! Edward Bernays, the WW1 propagandist under Woodrow Wilson, presciently summed up this view: “public opinion is dangerous in a democracy.”

But Krishnamurti had a more enlightened take on public discourse: “your opinion is as good as my opinion, your conclusion is as good as mine, your theory is as good as mine. So let’s drop all that & face facts.”

Whaddya think—are all or only some opinions valid/welcome? Is free speech healthy or harmful?

And that’s your daily bliss! which is a sort of lunar weather report. May it allow you to align with the day’s cosmic energy so you can find & create a little more bliss.?/’m

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